Java Programming Notes pdf free download 

Free PHP notes pdf are provided here for PHP students so that they can prepare and score high marks in their PHP exam.

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Introduction to JAVA Programming Languages

Characterstics of JAVA

Hello World Program in JAVA

How to write hello world program in java

JAVA Development Kit

JAVA Development Kit(jdk)in java

JAVA Runtime Enviroment

JAVA Runtime Enviroment(jre) in java

Java Virtual Machine

Java Virtual Machine(jvm) in java

Byte Code

Java Byte Code

Java and C++

Difference between Java and C++


Constants in java


Operators in java

Overloaded Operators

Overloaded Operators in java

Classes and Objects

defining class, creating objects, accessing class members,Passing arguments


Constructors, Overloaded Constructors


Basics of inheritance, Inheriting and Overriding Superclass methods, Calling Superclass Constructor

Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection in java

Method overloading

method overloading in java

Method Overriding

Method Overriding in java

Interface in JAVA

Defining an Interface, Implementing Interfaces

Variables in Interfaces

Interface in JAVA

multiple inheritance using interfaces

Interface in JAVA

Abstract classes in Java

Interface in JAVA

Interface and Abstract classes

Interface in JAVA

Array in java


Types of array in java

One Dimensional Array,Two dimensional Array

Strings in java

String class,String creation, string concatenation, Comparing strings, Substring, Difference between String and String Buffer class, String Tokenizer class.

Packages in java

Packages in java

Exception Handling in java

Java Exception handling model, Types of exception, using Try and catch, Multiple Try and Catch clauses, Nested Try statements, finally block, user defined exceptions,throw and throws keyword

Multithreading in java

Multithreading notes in java

Applet in java

Introduction, Types of applet, Life Cycle, running applets,using Graphics class and its methods to draw lines, rectangles, circles, ellipses, arcs and polygons.

Introduction to AWT

JAVA AWT Hierarchy,Simple Java awt Example

Java AWT controls

Label, TextBox, TextArea, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Choice lists,

java Layout Managers

FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout

Event handling

Introduction to Event handling using Delegation Event Model,types of listeners

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

JDBC Architecture, JDBC Drivers, Java.SQL package, Connecting to the Database and performing basic database operation like Insert, Delete, Update and Select.