Data Structure Notes pdf | DS notes pdf 2023

Introduction and Definition of Data Structure

Various types of Data Structure

Algorithm and Flowchart

handwritten notes of Algorithm and Flowchart in data structure

Complexity of Algorithm

Space Complexity, Time Complexity Time and Space Trade of

Basics Analysis on Algorithm

Best case,Average Case Worst Case

Data and Classification of Data

Notes of Classification of Data

Linear and Non Linear data structure

Array,Stack,Queue,Linked List Trees,Graph

Operations in data structure

handwritten notes of operations in data structure

Applications of data structure

handwritten notes of Applications of data structure

Arrays in data structure

Definition , Array Declaration Array represntation

Types of Arrays in data structure

Array Declaration,initialization,Accesing Memory representation of Array

Operations on Arrays in data structure


Linked Lists in data structure

ntroduction ,Representation and Operations of Linked Lists, Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Circular Linked List

Trees in data structure

ntroduction to Tree, Tree Terminology

Tree Traversal


Binary Tree

Bianry Tree,Representation of Binary Tree

Binary Search Tree

Binary Search Tree in Data structure

Threaded Binary Tree

Threaded Binary Tree in Data structure


AVL Tree in Data structure

Graph in data structure

Introduction, Representation to Graphs, Graph Traversals Shortest Path Algorithms

Stack in data structure

Stack Introduction , Structure, Operations of Stack

Program of Stack(PUSH,POP)

Stack program with its operation

Stack errors

Overflow and Underflow

Stack Applications

All applications of stack


Introduction to Queue, Definition, Operations of Queue, Queue Implementation

Types of Queue

Circular Queue, De-queue and Priority Queue.


Linear Search. Binary Serach


selection sort

Insertion Sort

Notes of Insertion sort

Bubble sort

Notes of bubble sort

Merge sort

Space Complexity, Time Complexity Time and Space Trade of


Hash Function, Types of Hash Functions, Collision, Collision Resolution Technique (CRT)