Handwritten SQL and DBMS Notes pdf for bca free download 2023

Introduction of DBMS

Introduction,Characterstics of DBMS, Advantages and Disadvantages

Components of DBMS

handwritten notes of Components of DBMS

Three level Architecture of DBMS

handwritten notes of Three level Architecture

Introduction to Data Models,

Hierarchical Model ,Operations of Hierarchical Model Advantages and Disadvantages of Hierarchical Model

Network Model in dbms

Network Model ,Operations of Network Model Advantages and Disadvantages of Network Model

Relational Model in dbms

Relational Model terminology ,Operations of Relational Model Advantages and Disadvantages of Relational Model

Comparison of Network, Hierarchical and Relational Model

Difference Between Network, Hierarchical and Relational Model

Entity Relationship Model

Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes & Keys, Relationships, Relationship Types,cardinality ,connectivity of relationship

Relational Algebra

Set Operations (Union, Intersect, Minus), Special Operations (Selection,Projection,join,division)

Functional Dependency: Dependencies

types of functional dependencies

Logical implications

Logical implications in rdbms

Closure set

Closure set, Testing if FD is in closure

Covers with example

Covers, Non redundant and Minimum cover, Canonical cover

Normalization in dbms

First, Second, Third Normal Forms, Boyce-Codd Normal Form, Multi-valued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form, Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form,

DKNF in dbms

Domain key Normal form

Cursors in PL/SQL dbms

Implicit Cursor,Explicit Cursor,Difference between IMPlicit Cursor and Explicit Cursor

Difference between SQL and PL/SQL

Difference between SQL and PL/SQL

SQL Fundamentals


Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures in DBMS

Stored Functions

Stored Functions in DBMS